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Github Followers

Gaining Followers on GitHub isn't that simple! GitHub can be considered a social network for programmers, and increasing GitHub Followers means gaining credibility among programmers. By Buying GitHub Followers, you can add as many followers as you want to your GitHub page.

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Github Stars

A GitHub star is equivalent to a like or a reaction. Popular GitHub repositories (projects) receive stars from other users. The higher the number of stars your GitHub has, the more popular your repositories and projects are on GitHub.

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Github Forks

GitHub Forks allows users to copy a repository (project) and make their customized changes to it. Buying GitHub Forks gives you the ability to increase the Fork count of your repository to any desired number.

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Github Watchers

Watchers on GitHub are individuals who follow a specific repository and are notified of any changes to it. These individuals are not necessarily programmers but are just curious about the changes in the repository of interest. You can increase the Watcher count of your repository by Buying GitHub Watchers.

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